Classified Advertising - How exactly to Write Headlines That Make the Sale

Your headline can make or break your advertising. The headline is first thing that the potential customers see. The headline helps them determine whether to read your ad.

If you'd like your ad read, and you would like potential customers to take action, then focus about 80 percent of one's effort on writing your headline.

There are several things you can do to assist you write good headlines:

1. Study good headlines.

Does the headline make you intend to take action? Does the headline make you intend to browse the ad? If it does, then chances are it's a highly effective headline. Put it in your sweipe file. (A swipe file is a document of good headlines, ads, and other copywriting you intend to use to assist you write your own effective advertising.)

2. Use a headline formula.

You will find quite a few headline formulas. These formulas will help you in writing your headlines.

Here are many headline formulas you could use:

How To - How to do something.
News - Think newspaper headlines. Informative.
Guarantee - You make a promise.
Testimonial - Customer's testimonial as headline.
Question - Ask a question.
Problem & Solution - Present the situation then give you a solution.

As I said before, you will find others, but they're a few of the most used and will help you in writing your headlines.

Regardless of what headline formula you use, you intend to be specific. For instance, "How exactly to Make Money Online" is not just a good headline because it's not specific. It really doesn't tell your potential customers anything.

Give your potential customers some type of details, like "How exactly to Make Money Without a Website or List in 7 Days or Less." Specific details can get their attention.

3. Concentrate on the benefits of your product, not the features.

A characteristic tells them something about the product. A benefit tells them how the item will solve their problems.

For instance, if you are selling shampoo, maybe the shampoo strips any styling products off of the hair. This really is something it does, a feature Naija news today. For a benefit, maybe the shampoo makes your hair look as sexy as Pamela Anderson's. Quite simply, everything you are doing here's painting an image of what the potential customers' lives could end up like if they've the product.

4. Answer the question, "What's in it for me personally?"

When I say "what's in it for me personally?" I don't mean what's in it for you personally, the advertiser. After all what's in it for the potential customers. They don't worry about you, everything you think, or anything else. They want to solve their problems.

Concentrate on solving their problems and nothing else. Draw them into your ad by answering this question, and you've not just gotten their attention, you increase conversion, and you're more likely to make the sale.